Mechanical Services
We are more than a tire repair company. West End Tire is committed to keeping you safe on the road, whether by providing high-quality new and retreaded tires, completing provincial safety car and light truck safety inspections, or conducting computerized wheel alignments. Our highly skilled experts service cars, trucks, off-road, and performance vehicles of all makes and models.
Our Comprehensive Mechanical Services List Includes:
Oil Changes
Regular oil changes reduce dirt and sludge build up, improving gas mileage, decreasing wear, and extending the life of your engine.
Shocks Repair and Replacement
Shocks are essential parts of your car’s suspension that absorb bumps and jolts and help your tires stay on the ground, keeping your ride smooth and reducing wear.
Brakes & Struts Repair and Replacement
Poorly maintained breaks can easily cause serious accidents, and the struts that are part of many cars’ suspension systems can wear your breaks down faster when in poor condition in addition to wearing down your tires.
Battery Replacement
When you need a battery replacement, West End Tire makes sure you leave with exactly the battery you need.
Provincial Vehicle Safeties
Let West End Tire perform your provincial safety inspection, required by MPI for private purchases of used vehicles.
Rain or Snow, We’ve Got You
Stop by any or call any West End Tire location for more information — we look forward to helping you stay safe on the road.